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Friday, February 20

Do You Believe in Signs? I Do.

Today is 2 weeks since my mom passed and some days are harder than others. Today was rough. I've been missing her so much. My mom and I didn't see eye to eye on everything but we did talk about 5 times a day and when you talk to someone that much you don't always see eye to eye. I am thankful for the time I had with her at the end. I got plenty of chances to tell her that I love her and that I would take care of things after she left.

Well, here comes the "signs" part. Stuck inside my mom's will was a letter that my foster mother wrote to my parents as they were bringing me home. I was with a foster mother before my parents adopted me. I cherish all of the correspondence that we have with Devon's foster mom and we talk about her and look at pictures often. She is an important part of Devon's life just like my foster mom (although I do not know her) played an important role in my life.

Curly and I have gone back and forth and have talked about adopting again and we've faced some roadblocks. Now I think I know why. We are meant to be foster parents because we understand the important role that a foster parent plays in a child's life. We know it just isn't the fear of letting them go when it is time but was is important is the impact we can make while they are with us.

So we are signed up to take an insane amount of classes through the county starting at the beginning of March. I'm excited. I am really excited.


  1. That just gave me chills. I know that you and Curly will be such wonderful foster parents, just as you are both such great parents. Sometimes the thought of P's foster family just brings me to tears, knowing the selfishness that they showed in giving my son stability in the early months of his life. I know that we owe them so much. I'm proud to know you!

  2. You 2 will make great foster parents! I am so excited for you guys! And you may just end up adopting again - you never know!

  3. Congrats! You will make wonderful foster parents!

  4. you guys are going to be AWESOME foster parents. Andrew might just want to go back into foster care for say....a long weekend. ;)

  5. You know I am SO excited for you!!!!!!!!!!!!! You two are two of the best parents I know and will be to your foster children as well.
