What is this blog about? It's a mish mosh of my ramblings about home, work, my constant quest for good coffee and my wonderment why I never sleep. It's a little of this and a little of that with a whole lot of WTH mixed in for good measure :)

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Friday, January 23

My Career Day Cutie :)

Logan had "Career Day" at school today and he wanted to dress up like Uncle Shawn and go to as an Executive Chef/Restaurant Owner. How cute is he in my brother's chef jacket?? He told everyone that he wanted to be a chef so he could make a lot of cakes because he likes eating cakes :) I think he is adorable!
Logan also lost his 2nd tooth this week. He was so excited and came running to Curly and I yelling "My tooth, my tooth! Let's go to Gamestop!" I had to tell him that although Gamestop does buy, sell & trade, teeth are not considered legal tender at Gamestop and he needed to wait for the Tooth Fairy to deliver the loot.
On a sadder note, my mom has been in the ICU since Tuesday. She is on a ventilator. She was finally well enough to have surgery this morning. She slept most of the day so she was having a hard time falling asleep tonight. I am so blessed to have such a wonderful husband that has been helping me out overtime around the house so I can be with my mom. I also have wonderful friends that are praying for her and visiting. My friend Sara got me down to the cafeteria this afternoon for some lunch and my friend Michelle stayed with my mom and me, holding her hand with me until she fell asleep.

1 comment:

  1. What a cute little chef!! How is he at blueberry pancakes? I think I will order them the next time I stay at your house. :)

    You know I am praying for your mom and for you. I hope you guys get some good news soon. You are a wonderful daughter.
