What is this blog about? It's a mish mosh of my ramblings about home, work, my constant quest for good coffee and my wonderment why I never sleep. It's a little of this and a little of that with a whole lot of WTH mixed in for good measure :)

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Sunday, January 20

My Blog got Pimped for a Cause

Not only did I take a huge leap and get bangs today I also had my blog "style-ized". What do you all think? I think I L-O-V-E it ;)

If anyone is looking to give their blog some giddyup, you should contact Nikki. It is all for a great cause....kids who need help. She charges only $20. $15 of this goes to supporting her humanitarian trip to the Dominican Republic and $5 goes to a charity. The charity for this month is an orphanage for children with special needs in Santiago, DR. Check out her blog for details!


  1. LOOOOOOOOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!! VERY cute layout of 2 of the cutest kids I know!

  2. The blog-over looks great!!!Your hubby's ride is s-w-e-e-t!!!!!!

  3. Thanks for posting this, Tara... I am so glad you like it :)


  4. Waaaaaayyyyy cute!! Hard to miss with those two adorable faces at the top of it!!

  5. Love it Tara! Your kids are model material! They look great up there. The video didn't show up for me. i will check back later.

  6. Love it Tara! Your kids are model material! They look great up there. The video didn't show up for me. i will check back later.
