What is this blog about? It's a mish mosh of my ramblings about home, work, my constant quest for good coffee and my wonderment why I never sleep. It's a little of this and a little of that with a whole lot of WTH mixed in for good measure :)

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Saturday, January 19

1st B-Ball Game & Curly Gets a New Hoop-Dee

Logan had Tiger Spirit Week this week at school. The big finale of the week was the Tiger basketball game on Friday night. We had a great time. Logan loved seeing all of the Big Kids and Devon loved shaking and eating the pom-poms.

Logan wearing his Browns gear on "wear-your-favorite-team-jersey-day"

This is the face he made when the loud buzzer went off....can you blame him??

The future Tiger cheerleader :)....this is my 1st video upload...I hope it worked!

Mommy over spent (again!) with her Gymbucks today ;)

Still jumpin'

Here's Curly pulling in his new car....a 2008 Komfort Edition V-Dub Passat in Mocha Brown. It is sweeeeeet! He let me drive it a little tonight...what a guy! I'm so happy to have some VW turbo back in the Santilli house. This thing smokes :) It was around 10 degrees out tonight so here is a pic from Motortrend.


  1. Logan is SO cute in his Browns' jersey. I hate that buzzer too, Logan!
    Yay!!! Gymbucks!! That place is SO dangerous.
    Love, love, love the car. Tell Curly I'm jealous. I loved my Jetta. Watch those speed traps Speedy Santilli!!

  2. Oh my gosh I loove that picture of Logan making the buzzer face!!!! LOL Tell Curly the ride is very SWEEEEEET!!!!! I love it!!!!!!!

  3. Love Logan to pieces! And Miss D is a sweetie in her cute Gymboree outfit! And Curly you lucky dude!
