What is this blog about? It's a mish mosh of my ramblings about home, work, my constant quest for good coffee and my wonderment why I never sleep. It's a little of this and a little of that with a whole lot of WTH mixed in for good measure :)

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Thursday, January 24

Snow Babies

I really dislike winter in Ohio. The snow, cold weather, boogery noses, the yuck of it all. I finally took little Miss Sunshine out into "it" while Logan was waitng for the bus. She was intrigued at 1st but I think she has the same opinion on the cold as I do.....SEND ME SOUTH!

Logan all ready for school
Sissy can't stop looking at her boots
She looks like the kid in A Christmas Story here.....don't fall! I'm frozen in this position!
Wahhhhhhhhh! Do you blame her??
Can we go in now??
I like it better inside where it is warm and cozy!


  1. OH my gosh how cute they both are? Love her purple outfit. And love Styling Mr. Logan!

  2. Logan looks like he loves the snow! No snow angels from Devon, huh? lol
    It's hysterical how she keeps looking at the boots!
    Those bangs are ADORABLE!!! Like Mommy, like daughter.

  3. How cute are they. Logan is so cute with his stylish shades. Devon is adorable in her purple snow suit and boots.


  4. Tara they are soooo cute!! I LOVE Devon's bangs! They're SO cute!! She has changed so much...such a big girl!

  5. SUCH sweet pictures!!! And yes, I know the RALPHIE look from the Christmas story quite well!!!

  6. SUCH sweet pictures!!! And yes, I know the RALPHIE look from the Christmas story quite well!!!

  7. Goodness you've got yourself some cute kiddos!!! Just want to eat them up!
