What is this blog about? It's a mish mosh of my ramblings about home, work, my constant quest for good coffee and my wonderment why I never sleep. It's a little of this and a little of that with a whole lot of WTH mixed in for good measure :)

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Thursday, August 9

Can You Help Me....Pretty Please???

The parent support group that I help facilitate called SPARK will be participating in the Autism Speaks "Walk For Autism Now" walk on Sunday, September 30th. Curly, Logan, Devon and I will be walking with our friends from SPARK. We really hope to be successful and help raise a lot of money. We need your help! Please click on http://www.autismwalk.org/goto/santilli to donate. I've set a reasonable goal that I know with every one's help we can blow out of the park. My friend and teammate has already raised $1,000!!! (Go Lisa!)

Autism Speaks (which has now joined forces with Cure Autism Now) is an awesome organization. I'm sure that many of you have seen their commercials like the one where is says "1 in xxx,xxx kids will grow up to be a professional athlete. 1 in 150 will be diagnosed with autism". They are real eye-openers. Autism Speaks also has a ton of celebrity support and they are helping to promote awareness and research.

Having a child with autism can have its challenges but like with typical children, the rewards are enormous and outweigh it all. Seeing the progress that Logan is making is breathtaking. It's all because of his hard work, the dedication of his teachers and support from our friends like you.

Please consider donating to this awesome cause. Thank you!

If you are a reader, can I add your blog as one of Mi Amigas? Most of my traffic comes through my friends. Even if you can't donate, you will be helping by making the walk more visable :) Please add a comment and tell me it is OK.


  1. I can't donate right now (teething lol), but I will ... you can add me :) My blog is http://tiggysgirl.livejournal.com


  2. I'm in Mamacita. I want to see you reach that goal!!!

  3. What beautiful children you have and what a great cause!!! I will spread the word. You can add our blog...
    **Good Luck with the walk!!*

  4. Tara...I left you a plug on my blog because I LOVE you and I am all for this. I will donate..can't now but I will soon:-)

  5. Will try to donate this week =) And of course add us =)
    Good Luck!

  6. Feel free to add my blog. I want to see you fly past your goal :-)

