What is this blog about? It's a mish mosh of my ramblings about home, work, my constant quest for good coffee and my wonderment why I never sleep. It's a little of this and a little of that with a whole lot of WTH mixed in for good measure :)

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Monday, August 13

Living for the Weekends

I love the weekends. Especially in the summer. There is always something fun to look forward to and awesome memories to be made. Friends and family to see and neighbors outside enjoying the good weather.

On Saturday we went to a birthday party (Happy 5th Bday Alec!!) and had a great time. Logan got a few good whacks in on the pinata and he also gave fishing a whirl for the 1st time!

Sitting on the dock of the bay....
Devon and Mommy

Thanks Mindy for the awesome pics!!

On Sunday we did our favorite summer activity: Hanging out at Boaters Beach here. We have so much fun getting to spend time with my mom and dad and brother and sister-in-law (who I don't get to see nearly enough these days!!!) What could be more fun than a day at the beach??

My cool dude :)

Someone is trying to break free from their stroller!


  1. Love the pics! Could they be any darn cuter? I love Devon's Old Navy Kini =)

  2. Tara---I LOVE seeing pictures of your kids--Logan has the sweetest smile. And how funny is Devon trying to escape? What a little cutie.

  3. That Logan is so darned cute. He actually looks like a perfect mix of both my boys at that age...I'm gonna find you some pics. Devon is divine as always, and you are so tan!!!!! How do you have time to have a tan for Pete;s sake??
