What is this blog about? It's a mish mosh of my ramblings about home, work, my constant quest for good coffee and my wonderment why I never sleep. It's a little of this and a little of that with a whole lot of WTH mixed in for good measure :)

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Saturday, August 2

The Guat-Tots Take on Kalahari!

We just got home a few days ago from one of my favorite trips of all times: Kalahari in Sundusky, OH with our group of friends that we call "The Summer Sisters". We all started our adoption process for Guatemala in the Summer of '06 and are from all over the country and have grown so close since we 1st all met. We knew that we wanted to get together this summer and Curly chose to go to Kalahari for his 40th birthday (I love my big kid!) so I let the Summer Sisters know and Viola! We had The Cash Crew in from TN with Kelly sister Kasey and her son Alex, Ruthanne & Andrew from Chicago, Sheri, Eliot & Curtis from NYC, Marcy & her beautiful girls from Orlando and Nikki & her kiddos from Dover, OH. I think someone counted 17 kids! Man oh man! It was a BLAST!

We checked in on Tuesday and immediately found Sheri and her DH and son. It was so exciting to finally meet them! We had a pizza party in their room on Tuesday night and went back to hit the slides.

Wednesday started off with a light rain so we tackled the indoor waterpark. That night we had a "Fiesta" to celebrate Curly's BIG 4-0! We had a taco bar, homemade corn and black bean salsa, fresh guacamole and then tres leches cake for dessert. We went back out swimming after all that (I promise that we waited the required 30 minutes....lol).

Thursday was check out and time for more goodbyes. I was sad but know that we will all see each other again.....hopefully sooner than later!

We created some awesome memories that I will never, ever forget!

Our "Roomies": Ruthanne & Andrew

Devon and boyfriend Andrew :)

All of the kids (minus Logan & Mason who were off doing cool 5 year old stuff and Alex who was busy being cute somewhere else)
Sofie, Devon, Andrew, Bryce, Isabelle (checking out her friend's shoes....like mother like daughter....lol) and Kemry




Devon & Kemry bustin' a move in the tree house

Curly: The "Pied Piper" of cute kids

We didn't have a place to hang the pinata, so Curly held it.

We didn't have anything to break it open so we used a pasta spoon and then resorted to having Curly just rip in to it! Hey, whatever works :)

Curly opening that AMAZING gift basket of Trader Joe yummies from the Summer Sisters

Devon sitting on Nikki's lap trying to sneak some of Isabelle's beans
Devon pounding a juicebox on Kasey's lap and her sweet son (I ADORE his cheeks) Alex

"Do all of those beans show on my swimsuit figure???"

Curly blowing out his candles (40 real candles would have set off the condo's fire alarm!)

Funny M&M's I had made with Curly's face and funny sayings

Logan soaking up some rays at the outdoor water park

Some things in life are best shared with a friend at the end of a loooooooong day!


  1. OMG why wasnt i invited! This is the 2nd blog that ive seen with Kalahra pic on it! LOL CUTE KIDS!!! WHAT FUN!

  2. Tara
    My first comment as an official blogger! WOW...it looks like you guys had a blast!! Devon sure is a dancing queen...LOL! All the children are soooo beautiful. Happy Birthday Curly!!!!

    I think this post will lead you to my blog...check it out! I have pics of our recent mini-vacation.

    Love Ya ~ Cindy

  3. Gwen, Jenny, & MiaAugust 4, 2008 at 9:03 PM

    Looks like you guys had a great time! I hope Curly had a great 40th birthday! I think we may be taking a trip there in the winter! What fun!
