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Sunday, August 3

Birth Mom Found! & Going Under

I'll start with the hardest part. Devon has to go under tomorrow morning at 7am for a GI Scope. Many of you know that she has had some serious eating issues and we are trying to get to the bottom of it to determine if it is phsyiological or psychological or a combo of both. She has been on medicine for a month and a half with not much luck and she has been seeing Logan's fabulous OT and will get on her schedule regularly in a few weeks. The last few days have been really rough on her with food and it breaks my heart to see her struggle. I hope that we get some answers tomorrow and pray that it is quick and painless for her.

Now for the EXCITING news. We made successful contact with Devon's First Mom with searcher Nancy Hoffman. We learned information that we will treasure from the simple (her favorite music and foods) to deeper things like her heritage from El Salvador (!!! I have an entire NEW culture to study!) and siblings. Two amazing things that came from the search was the peace that she said she now had in her decision to create an adoption plan for Devon and that she would like to meet us some day! Nancy is sending back some pictures to the States with a family that was down there on a reunion and I hope to have them soon. I am thrilled at the idea of meeting some day. I truly could not have asked for a better outcome. I'm still in shock and it still chokes me up thinking about it.

1 comment:

  1. Gwen, Jenny, & MiaAugust 4, 2008 at 9:04 PM

    I will be thinking of Devon and keep us updated on what they find out.
