What is this blog about? It's a mish mosh of my ramblings about home, work, my constant quest for good coffee and my wonderment why I never sleep. It's a little of this and a little of that with a whole lot of WTH mixed in for good measure :)

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Tuesday, July 1

My Summer Fun Kiddo

The other day I got the video in the mail of Logan doing his Summer Fun Kid thing for the WKYC Weather Forecast. It came on a VHS tape so I went super hi-tech and videotaped the TV. Pay no mind to the fingerprints on the TV. The kids like to physically TOUCH the TV when Dora asks where something is. Also don't mind that narration by Curly and me as we remark how much our 5 year old big kid still has the same face and smile that he has in his baby pictures above the TV.

Poor little Devon didn't make the final cut as she was too busy running away from the cameras. Princess has YEARS to become a star, right??

Logan hasn't officially aired yet (that we know of) but we are hoping that he will get some play over the 4th of July weekend in his red, white and blue duds :)


  1. How freakin cute is Logan?? I'm thinking movie star in the making. His little smile just lights up the screen.
    Love all the summer pics, it looks like you all have been busy enjoying every minute of it.
    Have a wonderful Fourth of July!!

  2. Gwen, Jenny, & MiaJuly 3, 2008 at 9:36 PM

    What a cutie! He looks so happy and cute! I love how he was spinning the pin wheel!

    Love your tv too with or without fingerprints!

  3. Sooooooo CUTE!!! That video almost makes me wish I lived in OH again so I could see it on TV. (almost)
