What is this blog about? It's a mish mosh of my ramblings about home, work, my constant quest for good coffee and my wonderment why I never sleep. It's a little of this and a little of that with a whole lot of WTH mixed in for good measure :)

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Friday, February 29

The Kalahari Kowabunga!

We had an awesome time celebrating Logan's birthday this year! We packed up the mini and headed to The Kalahari Resort and Indoor Waterpark in Sandusky from Saturday until Monday. It was amazing and the kids had a blast. We swam, ate, limbo-ed, played golf, played arcade games and rode the waves. We had Logan's presents and baloons all set up when he woke up on Sunday morning. We ate birthday cake for breakfast. It was so much fun and I wish we could do it everyday.
Here's my Lightening McQueen cruising down the halls in Cars Crocs
Bathing Beauty
The Limbo KING!
Mommy with a fu-fu umbrella drink
So pretty (eating a VERY unsanitary ballpit ball...PUKE!)
Breakfast is served!
The Loot

On Tuesday we celebrated....again! Logan had a snow day (so much for the #5 cookies I made for the class!). We picked up Grandma and Grandpa and Aunt Fannie and Daddy and Uncle Shawn met us at Chuck E. Cheese. We literally had the place to ourselves because we were the only people who managed to get out in the blizzard. We had a fun time and Logan LOVES the Chuckster.

Yeah, this guy's da man!

Not so sure about this ride thing Uncle Shawn kicking major 80's butt in arcade games!
A boy and his cake

Finally, we capped off birthday celebrations on Wednesday at school. Devon and I visited the class with treats (the #5 cookies made it along with some cupcakes). I love Logan's class and feel so sentimental that this is his last year of pre-school. Next year, he is on to the Big League of Kindergarten.

Logan and his teacher
Snacky, snack, snack, snack (ala Yo Gabba Gabba)


  1. TARA soooooo cute! I love all those pictures!!! Happy week long birthday Logan!!! That's a dream birthday! Wonder if my family will honor that for me next week? ;)

  2. Happy Birthday, Logan!!! What a FUN week you had!! Every birthday should last a week!!! Hope Monny gets a birthday like that pretty soon too!!! ;)

  3. What a great celebration!!!! Love all the pics!

  4. Adorable pictures!

    P.S. Check out Blogs for a Cause for a blog giveaway!
