What is this blog about? It's a mish mosh of my ramblings about home, work, my constant quest for good coffee and my wonderment why I never sleep. It's a little of this and a little of that with a whole lot of WTH mixed in for good measure :)

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Tuesday, August 28

I Need a Military-Grade Laptop in this House!

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You know that movie "A Christmas Story"? Remember those dogs that lived next door that stole the Christmas turkey? They were The Bumpiss Dogs. The Bumpiss Dogs live at my house. Max and Milo....Big and Bigger...Dumb and Dumber. Horseplay became an all out Battle Royale wrestling match in my living room and the laptop (my life line, my connection to things that are not Yo Gabba Gabba) got tangled in a dog foot or leg or body and hit the ground.

The part I bought today didn't do the trick so I ordered another one off of eBay. God speed it's way to me. Please let it be the part! PLEASE!!!!!!


  1. Oh girl, that is NO good. We NEED you. Please, ebay. Make it speedy....

    (if that part doesn't work, let me know. I have a good website for all things computer.)

  2. OH No! Nikki said Your PC Crashed, I guess it literally crashed to the ground! Hurry Back =)

  3. OMG....that is just terrible!!!! I am just lost without my computer!!! Praying you found the right part and can get back to updating us on the fun life and times of the Santilli's...Good Luck!!!

  4. Oh Tara I feel your pain. I'd be lost without my computer (it's a HUGE fear of mine! ;)) Get back soon!!
