What is this blog about? It's a mish mosh of my ramblings about home, work, my constant quest for good coffee and my wonderment why I never sleep. It's a little of this and a little of that with a whole lot of WTH mixed in for good measure :)

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Thursday, March 13

Preschool Cowboys & Momma Gets Older

I love my son's school. Every year the preschoolers put on a BIG Rodeo Show for the parents. This is Logan's 3rd year (and last :( ) of preschool. The first year that he participated in the show, he had only been in school about 3 weeks. He was so shy and barely used words to communicate. He got upset and ran off during the performance. Oh boy! Not this year! Logan did a GREAT job! He did all the steps and had a blast. In fact, he might be talking a little too much as he called one of his friend's dads "grandpa" not once or twice but THREE times! Oye! Talk about wanting to crawl into a hole! LOL.

Here is my little cowpoke :)

Here he is in full Cowboy Spirit! Note how he is a bit over zealous in his "partner twirling" and sends one girl flying to the floor! Poor thing! On Wednesday, I got a little older. Hey, you cannot complain about getting old if you get presents and dinners out with family and friends, right??? My awesomely special friends Ruthanne and Kelly sent me these beautiful flowers :) They are starting to open and look gorgeous!
On Tuesday we went out to dinner with my Mom, Dad, Brother and SIL to a "Neuvo" Mexican place. The food was great....the margaritas were even better! Woooo! We all strolled over to my favorite Cold Stone Creamery for a sweet night cap afterwards. Delish!

Devon and Papa

Tiffany and Me feeling peaceful after some muy delicioso margaritas :)

The handsome men in my world :)

Devon stylin' and profilin' in Aunt Fannie's Pradas.....notice the tight grip Tiff has!


  1. That was TOO cute! I love Logan's school too :-) He is so adorable and quite the cowboy! Happy birthday again!

  2. Happy Birthday Tara!!!

    That video of Logan's ho-down is so cute! It looks like he was having a blast :)

  3. Logan is the cutest little cowboy I have ever seen!!!

    Your birthday looks like a blast!

  4. What a great video! How adorable Logan is. He sure knows the ropes. The snapshots are great too.

  5. Happy Birthday!!
    I love the video! Isnt funny how much kids just love being "cowboys"? I'm pretty sure my son has never even seen a western movie, but he has a pair of boots and hat that he would wear 24/7 if I let him.
    Best Wishes

  6. Hey Tara...We need to do lunch again soon...Sorry we missed you at the Egg hunt..
