What is this blog about? It's a mish mosh of my ramblings about home, work, my constant quest for good coffee and my wonderment why I never sleep. It's a little of this and a little of that with a whole lot of WTH mixed in for good measure :)

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Wednesday, October 31

Trick-or-Treat, Smell My Feet

Some people like Halloween. Some people hate Halloween. Some are indifferent. I LOVE HALLOWEEN! I always have. Now that I have kids, they are extra special.

This Halloween was the best ever! Logan was so in to it. His favorite part (besides dressing up in his wardrobe of costumes) was passing out candy. We get a ton of trick-or-treaters at our house. He was so completely stoked to see everyone in their costumes and loudly wished everyone a "Happy Halloween". He even met some people at the end of our driveway to give them candy! The weather was perfect...a little chilly...but luckily not snowing or raining.

Devon had fun, too. Or maybe I just had fun dressing her up?? :) She started out with her USA cheerleader costume for the My Gym party and was a Pumpkin Princess at Logan's school party. By the time Halloween night came, I knew she needed something warmer so I dug out Logan's old alligator costumed and "girl-ed it up" a little with a pink tutu. Voila! She was toasty and ready to go! She was a crawling machine and it was hillarious because the hood kept flopping over and she had no idea where she was going but she was full steam ahead....lol.

Anyways.....here are my Spooktacular little cuties in all of their partying glory! Some kid actually came up to Logan and said "Dude, you are HUGE!" while looking at his Spiderman built in muscles. I almost peed my pants!
Devon wondering why the hood on her head has more teeth than she does.
The Fire Dept hands out free donuts and cider.

Don't tell her that she is being swallowed by an alligator!

Flexing some Spidie Muscle!
Ahhhhh! Devon is driving Grandpa's Jeep!
Note to self---She will be asking for the keys early!
Our Pumpkins: Curly, Mommy, Logan and Devon
Logan's Class -- How cute are these little stinkers?
Logan and Sissy at class
Devon wanted to be the "center" of attention at My Gym
So happy being Thomas
Logan thinks something is stinky?!?!
Getting down to the Chicken Dance!


  1. We love the cheerleader !!!!!!! All Devon's costumes were darling and I cannot believe how big Logan's muscles are... has he been working out?LOL

  2. Good times!! You were probably the only house on your block with a candy drive thru ;)- that's awesome~I noticed that with Ethan too, it seems like the perfect age to finally understand what it's all about and to really start having fun with it. It sounds like everyone had fun :) I LOVE Devon in the Jeep with her tu-tu~too funny!

  3. I don't even know where to start!! Those picture are ADORABLE!!! I love the one of Devon sitting on Logan's lap at school. What a great big brother he is!!
