What is this blog about? It's a mish mosh of my ramblings about home, work, my constant quest for good coffee and my wonderment why I never sleep. It's a little of this and a little of that with a whole lot of WTH mixed in for good measure :)

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Saturday, January 17

I'm Back

One thing's for sure, I let blogging slip big time at the end of last year. So much has happened since my last post. Some awesome and some rough.

We took the kids to Disney and had a flippin' blast beyond belief. We stayed close to home with friends and family over the holidays and made memories that will last a lifetime. I got my nose pieced and finally learned how to change the rhinestone. Curly and I snuck out for a few much needed dates. The kids have kept us laughing. Logan is a Wii champion and Devon is loving gymnastics.

Some things have been hard. My mom has been in and out of the hospital a few times and hasn't been herself. I think about her health non-stop. A close friend of mine lost her beautiful daughter very tragically.....that has made my heart heavy. We've had some personal rough patches that we are trudging through while holding our heads high.

Both the good and the not so good in the recent past gave me my motto for 2009......"Love like there is no tomorrow". In my heart, I've always tried to live my life like that. Making it my motto and my blog title makes it official.

Welcome back to my old readers and I hope some new ones come along for the ride on the Silly Santilli bus. Fun pictures to come :)


  1. I love it! It looks great and your "about me" description is awesome! Can I steal it for FB ;)

  2. Love it Tara! You guys are such wonderful people. I got all sappy after your first post! Enough of that!

  3. Cute blog Tara! Love the header- you did an AWESOME job! I love the colors you used.

  4. Tara, I completely missed your post about this. I apologize. Your blog-lift looks fantastic. I love the title.

  5. The new blog is beautiful, and I'm glad to see you blogging again!
