What is this blog about? It's a mish mosh of my ramblings about home, work, my constant quest for good coffee and my wonderment why I never sleep. It's a little of this and a little of that with a whole lot of WTH mixed in for good measure :)

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Monday, March 31

Oh CRAP! My Baby Makes a Swear!

Well I knew it would happen sooner or later. When the combo is a sweetie that mimics words and mommy that sounds like a trucker, I'm surpised that it didn't happen sooner. Logan came down with a cold and we wanted to give him some Benadryl for his sniffles. We put it in a little measuring cup and he drink it from a straw. He hates the stuff and it takes a lot of coaxing and bribery with a sucker to get it down. Well, he sat on the couch with the little cup and was avoiding drinking it. He tried balancing it on his knee and Ka-Blam....it spilled and so did the swear.

Logan: OH CRAP!
Mommy: Huh?
Logan: Logan spilled medicine.....Oh Crap!
Mommy: Did you just say "Crap"???
Logan: No Mommy, I said "Oh Crab"

He did not say crab. He said crap. I guess it is one of the milder ones that he could have dipped into. I have to remind myself to be careful for what you wish for....lol. A few years ago when he was non-verbal I would have happily accepted the F-Bomb :)

Daddy played hookey on Friday and we went to the Science Center on Friday. It was the perfect ending to Logan's Spring Break.

"The Swearer"

Sweet Sassy Molassy

Trying to take her shoes off. Can I duct tape these things on somehow??

Logan and Mommy making their hair stand up at the Science Fair. SHOCKING! LOL

Tuesday, March 18

Bunny Phobia, Dress Up & Cheese-Balls

Logan loves characters dressed in fuzzy costumes BIG TIME.....Devon, not so much. She disliked Santa and felt about the same towards the Easter Bunny. Boy oh boy did he freak her out! We had a our North East Ohio Guatemalan Families get together on Saturday (Thanks Mindy!!) which included breakfast with the bunny and an egg hunt. Check out the look on her face! This was the evil eye that she gave him/her (or whatever was in that suit). Not a happy camper...lol. She held on to me with the death grip and didn't smile again until she was buckled into her carseat and we were headed home.
On Monday morning, Logan got up a little before me. His room is 100% safe and he cannot get out until I let him out. Well, I found him dressed in his Spiderman Halloween costume. It was flippin' hysterical because not only did he have it on backwards with the foamy muscles on his back but he was also wearing 2 pairs of shorts and 2 shirts underneath. I got lucky because he wanted to keep this get up on for the day! Could you imagine us at the grocery store??

Here is my little cheeseball :) It was bath night so I let her feed herself the mac and cheese. She is saying "Cheese" in this shot. Such a stinker bug!

Thursday, March 13

Preschool Cowboys & Momma Gets Older

I love my son's school. Every year the preschoolers put on a BIG Rodeo Show for the parents. This is Logan's 3rd year (and last :( ) of preschool. The first year that he participated in the show, he had only been in school about 3 weeks. He was so shy and barely used words to communicate. He got upset and ran off during the performance. Oh boy! Not this year! Logan did a GREAT job! He did all the steps and had a blast. In fact, he might be talking a little too much as he called one of his friend's dads "grandpa" not once or twice but THREE times! Oye! Talk about wanting to crawl into a hole! LOL.

Here is my little cowpoke :)

Here he is in full Cowboy Spirit! Note how he is a bit over zealous in his "partner twirling" and sends one girl flying to the floor! Poor thing! On Wednesday, I got a little older. Hey, you cannot complain about getting old if you get presents and dinners out with family and friends, right??? My awesomely special friends Ruthanne and Kelly sent me these beautiful flowers :) They are starting to open and look gorgeous!
On Tuesday we went out to dinner with my Mom, Dad, Brother and SIL to a "Neuvo" Mexican place. The food was great....the margaritas were even better! Woooo! We all strolled over to my favorite Cold Stone Creamery for a sweet night cap afterwards. Delish!

Devon and Papa

Tiffany and Me feeling peaceful after some muy delicioso margaritas :)

The handsome men in my world :)

Devon stylin' and profilin' in Aunt Fannie's Pradas.....notice the tight grip Tiff has!

Saturday, March 8

Wanna Be a Rockstar?

I do. I want a reality break. I'm Candi Stardust, who are you?

Your Rockstar Name Is...

Candi Stardust

Thursday, March 6

Ice & Princesses with Bed Head

OK, so Tuesday night didn't turn out how I would have liked. I guess I'm pretty used to it because I haven't picked a winner since Bill's 2nd run....well actually since Gore won the popular vote in 2000. I still have my sign in the front yard and still am an Obama Mamma (until Howard Dean tells me otherwise....lol)

Funnier and lighter, here is Devon wearing a totally cute shirt that my friend Lynn got for her. It says "This is what a Guatemala Princess looks like". Ain't that the truth?? She is sporting her bed head 'do.

Here's a picture of an ice covered tree in my backyard. Aren't I artsy??? LOL

Monday, March 3

Soooooo Excited for March 4th!

To divert a little from my typical Mommy Musings......

Those of you that know me personally know that I love politics. Not just semi-interested. I really, really get into this stuff. Some people like sports. I like Hardball.

As a life long Democrat (well except for that one time I voted for Ross Perot after what clearly was the ill effect of too much indulgence at a college "penny beer" night) I am so stoked for Barack Obama. What he has said to me as a voter, Ohioan, Mom, person who truly does have HOPE has inspired me.

I will admit that he wasn't my 1st choice. I was planning on caucusing for either Bill Richardson (STRONG on foreign policy) or John Edwards (INCREDIBLE health plan especially mental health parity which hurts my checkbook every day). Well, you all know that they are both out and still haven't formally endorsed a candidate. Curly and I have been studying and researching and clinging to every detail of both viable camaigns. We can say without a doubt that Barack is our choice.

Ohio is a pretty exciting place to live during an election cycle if you like politics. I think I just need to start answering my phone (that rings nearly every 10 minutes) with "Santilli residence: Obama supporters"....lol. Now if I could get them to only call when Devon wasn't napping! LOL

I'm excited that my yard signs and bumper stickers finally came in the mail today :) I'm off to get my car washed so they stick for (hopefully) the next 4 or better yet 8 years!

Sunday, March 2

First Time Ever I Saw Your Face

A year ago today I truly became a different person. This is the day that I met my daughter for the 1st time. The little face that I saw in pictures was actually placed in my arms for an all too brief 4 days. It feels like years ago on one hand but like just yesterday on the other hand. Curly, Logan and I travelled down to Guatemala City on March 1st and Devon came to us with her Foster Mom on March 2nd. I remember being so filled with wonder that I could barely sleep the night before. I was such a nervous wreck at breakfast that I could barely eat and I knocked over a huge table umbrella as I tried to exit. How were people casually eating eggs and tamales knowing that their baby could possibly be in the same building at that very moment??

Then she came and we held her. I swear that I never wanted to let go. We got to see how much her Foster Mom loved her and and how well she was cared for. We got a glimpse into the personality of the little ham that would one day fill our house with giggles galore. Being with her those days were magical.

Leaving was so hard on all of us. Logan sat between us on the plane. Before take off he started crying. I asked him why he was sad and he responded "I miss my baby sister". He made the connection too.

It would be many months until we went back to hold her for good. Although leaving was hard, I wouldn't trade that time with my angel for anything. I had the memories and pictures to help me hang on to the time when we would be together forever.

Here is a montage that I made last year with pictures from our trip: