What is this blog about? It's a mish mosh of my ramblings about home, work, my constant quest for good coffee and my wonderment why I never sleep. It's a little of this and a little of that with a whole lot of WTH mixed in for good measure :)

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Tuesday, January 27

Sister Maria Chi Chi

This is how I found Devon this afternoon when I went to wake her up from her nap. How precious is she? She looks like a little nun with her blanket on her head like a habit and her hands in the praying position. I called her Sister Maria Chi Chi because we call Devon Sissy around the house and when she says it, it comes out as Chi Chi. It makes us all giggle. I love my little angel :)

The "Gamers"

Sunday, January 25

I've Moved......

......not my house silly! My blog. Check it out here http://lovelikethereisnotomorrow.blogspot.com/

Random Cuteness

I'm pretty psyched that they have Wi-Fi access at the hospital. My mom is still in ICU and we should know more in a few days according to the doctors around here.

Here are a few pictures from Christmas that will steal your heart :)

Friday, January 23

My Career Day Cutie :)

Logan had "Career Day" at school today and he wanted to dress up like Uncle Shawn and go to as an Executive Chef/Restaurant Owner. How cute is he in my brother's chef jacket?? He told everyone that he wanted to be a chef so he could make a lot of cakes because he likes eating cakes :) I think he is adorable!
Logan also lost his 2nd tooth this week. He was so excited and came running to Curly and I yelling "My tooth, my tooth! Let's go to Gamestop!" I had to tell him that although Gamestop does buy, sell & trade, teeth are not considered legal tender at Gamestop and he needed to wait for the Tooth Fairy to deliver the loot.
On a sadder note, my mom has been in the ICU since Tuesday. She is on a ventilator. She was finally well enough to have surgery this morning. She slept most of the day so she was having a hard time falling asleep tonight. I am so blessed to have such a wonderful husband that has been helping me out overtime around the house so I can be with my mom. I also have wonderful friends that are praying for her and visiting. My friend Sara got me down to the cafeteria this afternoon for some lunch and my friend Michelle stayed with my mom and me, holding her hand with me until she fell asleep.

Tuesday, January 20

Unexpected Happy Email

I was so excited to come home today to find an email from Devon's foster mom! She sends them through her brother's email account in Spanish and I have a wonderful friend who translates them for me (so much for all of that HS and college Spanish!). I was so worried because when my computer crashed a few months ago, I lost his email address.....UGH! But now I have it again. She is such a sweet soul. She wrote to thank us for the Christmas gifts and pictures and says that she is so happy to see how much we love Devon and how big she is getting. She also said that she gets a little sad because she misses her so much. She gave me her cell phone number and she and her boys want us to visit soon! I want to go back soooo bad! First, her birthmom says that she looks forward to the day we visit and now Guadalupe tells me that she wants to see us again. Come on economy, shape up so I can ship out and visit these wonderful woman :) They are both incredible!

Monday, January 19

A Few Days of Ups & Downs with More Ups

Well, my mom is back in the hospital. My dad had to call 911 yesterday because she could barely breath. It was a long night last night and day today waiting for answers that never came. It honestly breaks my heart to see my mom so sick in that hospital bed. I feel so helpless and just wish there was something that I could do than just sit there by her bed side. I know she was so happy to see the kids today. Devon cuddled with her in the bed and Logan told her that he loves her. I hope tomorrow brings us some direction.

I knew in the back of my mind that my mom was likely going back to the hospital but we tried to make it a fun weekend. Friday was a "cold day" (not "snow day" but because it got below -18 degrees, they called off school). We played inside and stayed warm. On Saturday, the kids went to gymnastics where they had a Parent's Night Out. They LOVE it there and we secretly love getting a little break for a romantic dinner where chicken nuggets aren't served and no one needs there food cut up....lol. Curly and I had a nice dinner and then got some Starbucks and just sat in the van and talked as the snow came down outside. It's awesome to reconnect like that after busy days and nights. On Sunday we took the kids for haircuts at this cute little kid's salon that we go to. Devon got a trim and Logan got a much needed cut. Devon loves sitting in the Dora Jeep and Logan loves that they have video games for him to play :) We finished the day off with some shopping and dinner out.

I am so proud to be an American at such an important point in our nation's history. Tomorrow Barack Obama will become our 44th President. I am so happy and have been glued to all of the coverage. Seeing all of those people who made the journey to DC is amazing. I would love to be a part of that but I'll settle for watching it on TV because it sure does look cold and crowded....lol. I've heard that some really great legislation will be passing over President Obama's desk in the next few days. Things that are important to so many like FINALLY approving the expansion of SCHIP (health insurance for children), increased funding for IDEA (Individuals with Disabilities Education Act), expanding early childhood preschool programs to name a few that are near and dear to my heart. I cannot wait to see Barack take the Oath of Office tomorrow. That moment will live with me in my heart forever!
Hmm, what's in here???
Excuse me Lady, what you doin' back there?
Logan: pre-haircut

Saturday, January 17

I'm Back

One thing's for sure, I let blogging slip big time at the end of last year. So much has happened since my last post. Some awesome and some rough.

We took the kids to Disney and had a flippin' blast beyond belief. We stayed close to home with friends and family over the holidays and made memories that will last a lifetime. I got my nose pieced and finally learned how to change the rhinestone. Curly and I snuck out for a few much needed dates. The kids have kept us laughing. Logan is a Wii champion and Devon is loving gymnastics.

Some things have been hard. My mom has been in and out of the hospital a few times and hasn't been herself. I think about her health non-stop. A close friend of mine lost her beautiful daughter very tragically.....that has made my heart heavy. We've had some personal rough patches that we are trudging through while holding our heads high.

Both the good and the not so good in the recent past gave me my motto for 2009......"Love like there is no tomorrow". In my heart, I've always tried to live my life like that. Making it my motto and my blog title makes it official.

Welcome back to my old readers and I hope some new ones come along for the ride on the Silly Santilli bus. Fun pictures to come :)