What is this blog about? It's a mish mosh of my ramblings about home, work, my constant quest for good coffee and my wonderment why I never sleep. It's a little of this and a little of that with a whole lot of WTH mixed in for good measure :)

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Sunday, November 4

Toot Toot Chugga Chugga Big Red Car!

We totally hit The Wiggles lottery today, if there is such a thing :)

I wanted to get tickets early on but missed all of the prime "secret password" seats. Logan (like me) is spoiled (in a good way!) and we like to be up close where the action is. I tried getting some on eBay but floor seats were selling for over $300 bucks....HECK NO! Feeling bad that I didn't score any because Logan seriously rocks out to them, I called the box office late this afternoon and the lady said that some seats became available and to come down.

At 4:40 before the 5:00 show, we got got 6th Row Center! Logan was besides himself with glee (OK, I was too...lol). Right there, in front of us were the REAL Wiggles, including the ever-side splitting Captain Feathersword. I had a real hard time dealing with Greg not being there. Poor Sam's got some big wiggly shoes to fill. Logan said to me "Hey, dat no Greg!". I told him that Greg called in sick and Sam was nice enough to take his place. Phew! Good recovery, Momma!

Devon thought it was pretty cool, too. She danced and bopped around. She knows the songs because we listen to them in the car and Logan sings them in her ear (loudly!). Here are some pictures.
Is this an ad for Pepsi or that smashing new haircut Logan got today?
Look at how serious these two are.
Captain Feathersword and a Murray Blow-up Doll (DOH!)
This picture of Murray makes me cry laughing....look at what a rock star he is here!
Anthony (by far the cutest Wiggle according to most moms) and Dorothy the Dinosaur



  2. Tara you are the coolest mom EV-ER! Logan will never forget about the time his mom scored BIG for him! :)

  3. Your kids are soooo cute! I suppose I will have to reaquaint myself with these kids' shows... it has been a looooong time since I have watched this stuff! I do not eve know the Wiggles!

  4. NICE Score Tara! Im sure both little ones had a blast- how fun!! BTW: picture of Logan with Pepsi=PRICELESS ~ that is the best picture ever~ completely conveys the excitment that he must have been feeling (that alone would have been worth the $300 Im sure- although nice nab on the tickets!)

  5. HOW FUN!!!!! Is that huge smile on Logan's face because of the Wiggles or the Pepsi?!?
    I'm so glad you called!! What a great day for the kids.
    Good job, mommy!!!
