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Friday, November 9

Happy Birthday Princess!

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A year ago today at 8:25am a beautiful little miracle was born. An amazing mother bravely created an adoption plan and my daughter was born. I cannot believe that she is one. November 9th has always been a special day for us. It is my brother's birthday and also the day that we lost my Grandpa many years ago. It has even more meaning that it is my daughter's birthday. She is such a precious little girl and to see her with her big brother always makes me smile. I am so blessed to call her my daughter.

The video above was put together by a very dear friend of mine as a gift. It is something we will forever cherish.

Today truly was a great day. We went out to dinner at a local Mexican restaurant with my Mom and Dad where Devon is always doted on. She loves it when they speak to her in Spanish. She is also a huge fan of their refried beans. I swear that we could have just stuck a candle in a plate of those and called it a night! LOL. Then they really surprised her at the restaurant by placing a BIG pink sombrero on her head and sang Feliz Cumpleanos. She found the hat to be quite annoying! I thought it was adorable :)

After dinner we came back home to open presents and have birthday cake. Logan did a great job opening the gifts and playing with the toys while Devon played in the paper. Boy, is she easy to shop for...lol.

I made a Tres Leches Cake (3 milks in Spanish) for her birthday cake. It came out pretty good considering that I just found out today that Tres Leches is not traditional Guatemalan cake. It is MEXICAN.....duh! My good friend Ruthanne went to a Guatemalan bakery in Chicago this morning and got schooled on the origins of Tres Leches.

Right now, my beautiful little angel is fast asleep in her bed and I have plenty of work before her big bash on Sunday!!


  1. Awe, HAPPY BIRTHDAY PRINCESS Devon!!!!!! Tara, I am so happy for you and your family~Devon is as sweet and cute as they come ~A true Blessing from God. Wishing you many many many happy times on Sunday! (BTW- two little cuties in oversized sombreros, absolutely adorable)

  2. FELIZ CUMPLEANOS, DEVON!!!!! Love the pictures---it looks like you guys had a great day!!!

  3. HAPPY 1st BIRTHDAY, Beautiful Devon!!!!! I love the video and all the pictures!! I can't wait to see the pics from the big bash!

  4. Awww...I am crying at the video...how sweet and perfect! I LOVE IT! HAPPY BIRTHDAY PRINCESS DEVON! We can't wait to help you celebrate tomorrow!
    Many Hugs

  5. Happy Birthday sweet girl !!!!!I am so excited for you !!!!And I love the outfit!!

  6. Beautiful girl, beautiful birthday!

  7. Happy, Happy Birthday sweet baby girl:)
