What is this blog about? It's a mish mosh of my ramblings about home, work, my constant quest for good coffee and my wonderment why I never sleep. It's a little of this and a little of that with a whole lot of WTH mixed in for good measure :)

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Friday, August 3

Typhoid Mary Ain't Got Nothing On This Cutie!

Wow, what an exciting few days....NOT! Devon's TB skin test came back positive. Pretty scary stuff but I tried to remain calm until we got all of the info. Akron Children's hospital ordered a chest x-ray for her on Wednesday when they read her skin test. Luckily the x-ray came back negative for active TB!

So what does this mean??? Glad you asked! Devon cannot give anyone TB. It means that she was exposed to it in Guatemala and it is dormant in her system. Our International Adoption Ped, regualar Ped and the Infectious Diseases Ped (no, I never wanted THAT kind of dr.!) recommended that she take an antibiotic called INH for 9 months. Yep, daily for 9 months. They gave us a pill so I crush it up and sneak it into her morning cereal. This medicine can cause some "crappy" side effects if you catch my drift. Thanks to a friend's advice (Mindy...thank you!) we are also putting some probiotics in the cereal to help ease the tummy troubles. She just took her 1st does about an hour ago so cross your fingers for us that she tolerates it well!

On an awesome, exciting, fantabulous note: My Summer Sister Ruthanne found out yesterday that her little muffin man Andrew got out of PGN!!!! That is the BEST news ever!!!!!
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  1. Poor Devon. Glad she's going to be ok.
    So, in one post you have Typhoid Mary and Hurricane Andrew. That's quite a combination. lol

  2. CRAP! I hope the little lady can tough it out! I'll say a little prayer for her!
    Auntie Pillows

  3. I will give you any advice you need..at least you are NOT alone in this and there a few of us going through the same thing close by.
    Love ya!


  4. Tara I am praying her little tummy doesn't get torn up from the meds. {{{BIG HUGS}}}}
