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Monday, September 13

Win $5k & Help Kids with Learning Differences THRIVE in an AMAZING School!

There is an amazing little school tucked away in the suburbs of Lyndhurst, OH called Julie Billiart School.  Named after St. Julie Billiart, JB is a Catholic school sponsored by the Sisters of Notre Dame, accepting students of ALL faiths in grades K-8 with special learning needs.  Their unique teaching methods allow for students with Leaning Disabilities, ADHD, Asperger's Syndrome and other Autism Spectrum Disorders to thrive in a peaceful, safe environment.

My little sunshine, Logan, is in the 2nd grade at Julie Billiart School.  This is second year at this amazing school.  Many of you know that Logan is on the Autism Spectrum (maybe getting a diagnosis of Asperger's Syndrome in the alphabet soup of diagnosis names since his original diagnosis at 2-years-old.)  Logan thrives in the small teacher to student ratio of two master's level teachers with 11 other classmates.  He receives Art Therapy, Music Therapy, Speech Therapy, Occupational Therapy (both traditional and sensory), Social Skills Therapy and modified ABA as part of his regular daily curriculum.  It's a dream come true.  The school also offers students full access to emerging technologies with Smart Boards in every room and the use of Mac Books, where each student after grade 3 has their own to use during the school day.

Such amenities do come at a pricey tuition cost.  Most students, including Logan, are able to afford this wonderful opportunity through scholarships.  One of Julie Billiart's largest fundraising events takes place on October 2nd and is the Oktoberfest.  Tickets for the event can be purchased through the Oktoberfest link.

The greatest way that YOU can help Logan's school is buy purchasing a raffle ticket!  The winner of the drawing receives $5000!  The seller (our family) receives $500 for selling the winning ticket!  What could YOU do with an extra $5000?  Being the winning seller and winning $500 would mean soooo much to our family after going through so much financial hardship over the last 5 years of privately funding Logan's therapy.

I will make it super duper easy for you to buy a ticket!  I will take Paypal as payment for tickets.  Tickets are priced at $10/each or $50 for a book of 6.  Simply use the Paypal link below to order raffle tickets and I will happily fill them out for you and mail the stubs to you free of charge!  Of course, there are fees involved by using Paypal so a dollar or two would be appreciated to help offset the costs.....not necessary but it would be delightful.  Please include your full name, address, phone number and email address with your order.

Julie Billiart School Tickets

Email me at tarasantilli@gmail.com for my address.

Please help me make this event a success for Logan's school and help him and the other special kids that Julie Billiart School serves.  Please share this link with friends, family, colleagues, in-laws, out-laws or anyone that you might think would like to make a difference in the life of a child that needs a little extra TLC in the classroom.

Thank you for considering to donate!!  Hugs and love from our family to yours!