What is this blog about? It's a mish mosh of my ramblings about home, work, my constant quest for good coffee and my wonderment why I never sleep. It's a little of this and a little of that with a whole lot of WTH mixed in for good measure :)

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Friday, April 30

Imported a REALLY Old Blog

I am really kicking it old school!  I just imported my super, duper old blog called "Tiaras Make You Taller" that spanned 2007-2009.  I just might get caught up today with a box of tissues looking at my babies when they were so teeny tiny.  My gosh, they have grown!  I saw a post where I blogged about Devon learning to crawl.  My goodness, right now she rips up the driveway on her Barbie scooter and digs through my purse for lip glosses (hey, she takes after her mamma....a girl needs her gloss!).  And Logan!  It was the days before he became the Wii Zen Master.

Keep me away from ANY and ALL adoption agencies at this minute because I just might start a homestudy and get fingerprinted or something wild like that.  Oh wait, I'd have to clean in order to have a Social Worker come over....that might be a deal breaker...lol!

Mistress of the Iframe Gallery Embed!

(If you don't know what I am talking about....just high five me and say "good job".  You can roll your eyes at me after I turn around....lol).

OK, so I have been fiddling like heck to get a GINORMOUS gallery installed.  Everywhere I turned, I would get the same blah, blah, blah "guy" talk.  I mean doesn't anyone talk "normal person" anymore (I realize at this point me talking about iframes isn't normal people talk, so roll the eyes again....lol).

FINALLY the amazing team at my hosting company, Merchant Moms (shout out, props and all of that good stuff) gave me a simple solution....embed it with an iframe.  So I did, and it flippin' worked!  Book after book always poo-poo'd the iframe but in this case, it was the perfect solution.

Thank you for listening to me ramble.  To appease the masses, I will now leave you with a silly picture of us on St. Patrick's Day.  It's not going to be very edited because I am in the middle of ftp'ing over 3000 images and code.  (Insert rock concert fingers here)  Why do my children not look nearly as excited to be wearing beeble-boppers on their heads as Curly and I do??

Wednesday, April 28

Playing with Watermarks

Just a quickie here and then I better go to bed.

I purchased The Coffeeshop Blog's Premium Watermarking Kit today and am just now getting around to playing with it.  (Probably reading the instructions would be the FIRST place to start, but nooooo).  I am testing it out here with the same picture of Devon that I posted earlier.  Let's see how it looks......

Ohhhh!  Cute!  I will fool around with it more tomorrow.  It has some really awesome batch processing options which will make life MUCH easier here....cuz you know....I have it rough :)  I'm not really going to bed.  I'm going to do the dishes.

Tuesday, April 27

I Heart Faces Entry -- Laughter!

I submitted my 1st photo to  Faces today!  I submited a pic of Devon from Easter afternoon after she had one too many peeps.  I call it Drunk on Peeps :)

She is my happy, happy girl :)

Whoops!  I didn't make it in time because I can't figure out McLinky....lol.  I tried :)

Making Progress

I finally started to give my website a little TLC and am soon going to be re-opening it with a shopping cart (because you all know how good I am at shopping, right??).  Take a peek at it at www.peaceloveandpixels.com

I also imported all of my blog posts from my old blog if anyone would like to read along at their leisure :)  So my randomness from 2009 and prior is all here.

Hey, why doesn't anyone in my castle rinse off their plates?  I'm just saying.....

Monday, April 26

Hard at Work

I have been keeping myself busy with the re-launch of Stitches So Sweet.  We have completely redesigned the entire site and have added a shopping cart feature.  It is looking sooo cute!  Of course we have oodles and oodles of product to add which is quite "busy"  :)  I am hoping to have it all in this week and set to launch after the weekend.  I cannot wait for you all to see it!

Better run....there are dishes to be done!

Saturday, April 24

Siggy check :)

Testing to see if my signature looks superfly......CHECK!

Back at the Blog

Giving Blogger another whirl-ski :)