What is this blog about? It's a mish mosh of my ramblings about home, work, my constant quest for good coffee and my wonderment why I never sleep. It's a little of this and a little of that with a whole lot of WTH mixed in for good measure :)

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Thursday, January 31

I Understand that Home is the "Safe Place"

I also understand that life isn't all ice cream cones and pony rides. I also know that sometimes I really dislike autism and what it does to my beautiful son.

The last few weeks have been rough. Rough is really putting it lightly. Logan went on a sleep strike which brought his resistance down and he ended up getting sick.....sick and angry. He didn't want to take any medicine which didn't help matters. I think we are finally making strides on getting his nighttime rythm back but he is still acting out. He's not acting out at school, with the therapists, at gym....it's all coming to a boiling point at home. Just getting him dressed for school was like performing an exorcism. He screamed, hit, scratched, kicked. I know, I know....don't take it personal. It's hard not to when the slap in the face really IS a slap in the face.

I love him unconditionally with every ounce of my being and understand that home is the safe place where you can let it all hang out. It's where you can be yourself after you've held it together to fit in all day. It just sucks to be on the receiving end of that.

My brain is tired and there is so much to do......get ready for the support group meeting tonight, try to make sense out of all of our medical deductibles so we can file our taxes, sort out what his summer plan is going to be (yes, it's not even Feb and camps start booking soon) and cleaning this mess of a house.

I want....no I NEED a vacation!

Thursday, January 24

Snow Babies

I really dislike winter in Ohio. The snow, cold weather, boogery noses, the yuck of it all. I finally took little Miss Sunshine out into "it" while Logan was waitng for the bus. She was intrigued at 1st but I think she has the same opinion on the cold as I do.....SEND ME SOUTH!

Logan all ready for school
Sissy can't stop looking at her boots
She looks like the kid in A Christmas Story here.....don't fall! I'm frozen in this position!
Wahhhhhhhhh! Do you blame her??
Can we go in now??
I like it better inside where it is warm and cozy!

Sunday, January 20

My Blog got Pimped for a Cause

Not only did I take a huge leap and get bangs today I also had my blog "style-ized". What do you all think? I think I L-O-V-E it ;)

If anyone is looking to give their blog some giddyup, you should contact Nikki. It is all for a great cause....kids who need help. She charges only $20. $15 of this goes to supporting her humanitarian trip to the Dominican Republic and $5 goes to a charity. The charity for this month is an orphanage for children with special needs in Santiago, DR. Check out her blog for details!

Saturday, January 19

1st B-Ball Game & Curly Gets a New Hoop-Dee

Logan had Tiger Spirit Week this week at school. The big finale of the week was the Tiger basketball game on Friday night. We had a great time. Logan loved seeing all of the Big Kids and Devon loved shaking and eating the pom-poms.

Logan wearing his Browns gear on "wear-your-favorite-team-jersey-day"

This is the face he made when the loud buzzer went off....can you blame him??

The future Tiger cheerleader :)....this is my 1st video upload...I hope it worked!

Mommy over spent (again!) with her Gymbucks today ;)

Still jumpin'

Here's Curly pulling in his new car....a 2008 Komfort Edition V-Dub Passat in Mocha Brown. It is sweeeeeet! He let me drive it a little tonight...what a guy! I'm so happy to have some VW turbo back in the Santilli house. This thing smokes :) It was around 10 degrees out tonight so here is a pic from Motortrend.

Monday, January 14

Playing MAJOR Catch Up!!!

Happy Thanksgiving, Happy Hanukkah, Merry Christmas, Happy New Year.......well you get the point. I got a teensy bit wrapped up in the holidays and got a little behind with the blogging. But I'm back baby!

Here is a look in pictures from the past month or so :)

Santa came to visit us on his fire truck....Logan was in his glory!

We also happened upon the Jolly Old Elf in a shopping plaza...Logan was in his glory (again!)

Devon....not so in her glory

How precious is this face?

Oh man! Here he is AGAIN! Seriously, get me off this dude's lap!

Devon can tolerate him a little better when our friends Isabelle & Nikki are nearby

The Fam and Santa (Logan is, once again, in his glory.....this is the guy that HOOKS you UP!)

Logan and Devon at Sam & Snapps' Party.....no Santa

Logan's class party singing Gingerbread Man songs

Devon making herself at home at preschool by eating the toys...YUMMY!

Christmas Eve at our house with Curly's family. Devon LOVES her wagon!

Mommy's Little Guitar Hero

Right after Santa dropped off the goods on Christmas Eve

Curly and Logan in their matching jammies :)

OK, so let me get this straight....the fat guy that makes me cry brought me all of this??

Logan taking a turn in the wagon

Present time on Christmas Day with my family

Funny story on this one....my Dad wrapped the gifts this year and put a Curly tag on a Tara gift. Imagine Curly's surprise. He faked liking it really good! It was hysterical!

Grandpa and Grandma

Devon and Aunt Fannie

My parents got Logan a drum set....yeah, really funny Mom and Dad!

Devon's 1st Hair Cut!!

I took the plunge and got Devon's hair trimmed. Her bangs were in her eyes and her mullet reveled anything the great city of Parma could provide. We headed over to Cuts & Curls for Boys and Girls and Devon had her 1st spa experience. She loved it! Her throne was a Dora Jeep and she danced to Dora music the entire time.....almost so much that it made it hard on the stylist. We had a great time!



Princess Devon is stylin :)

I promise to not be a stranger!!! Stay tuned for more :)